About Us
Support Services
The enrichment programming in the Cresskill elementary schools seeks to offer opportunities for all students to grow, create, thrive, imagine, and work through challenges. To grow, students have to push beyond their boundaries and take risks that may lead to success or failure. Developing a stronger growth mindset, learning from mistakes, and trying out something new in a low-risk space will benefit students academically and will prepare them for challenges they may face in the future.
SOAR21: Seizing Opportunity for Achievement and Rigor in the 21st Century
In the SOAR21 Program, we strive to go beyond Core Standards and support classroom learning by meeting the individual interests and abilities of students in the program. At each grade level and for each student, the program is structured to provide authentic and challenging experiences. Students are growing up in a time of constant change and education is the most important opportunity they will have to prepare them for world outside the walls of Merritt and Bryan School. Students will participate in 21st century skill building experiences, think globally about their presence in and contribution to the world, create and innovate through project based learning, and compete in challenges on local and state levels. It is our goal to encourage high achieving students who are lifelong learners, motivated to use their strengths and interests as the foundation for their critical thinking and leadership.
Small Group Enrichment
Students in 3rd-5th grade who do not meet the criteria for SOAR21, but need an extra challenge in specific areas of school, will participate in a small enrichment group. Students in this program are considered for this program based on teacher recommendation and recently collected student data. This group will meet for about 10 classes in which they will complete one unit that challenges them in a real world way with related content and skills. These enrichment groups are considered an extension of the in-class differentiation our amazing teachers in Cresskill already provide and are meant to be challenging experiences. The group will meet once a week during either a PARE period or content-related period. Some skills and work can be extended beyond our meetings, for independent enrichment in and out of class.
For more information on our SOAR21 and enrichment programs, please visit Mrs. Hickey's website here.