Health Services

Welcome to the Nurse's Office

Mrs. Sandy Riley, RN
Merritt Memorial School Nurse

Learning is in direct proportion to a child's health status and the ability to adapt to pre-existing limitations. The goal of our health services is to promote optimal health of the individual student, provide a safe environment, maintain positive attitudes and teach sound health practices. In short, we want our children to be happy and healthy.

Entrance Requirements -

A COMPREHENSIVE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION INCLUDING HEARING AND VISION is required for children entering kindergarten, preschool, and students transferring into Cresskill schools. New students must submit to the nurse's office a current immunization record and a complete physical examination within 365 days prior to their entrance.

Please be certain to note that the Flu vaccine is REQUIRED for all children aged 6-59 months. Those children without the Flu vaccine after January 1 will need to be excluded until April 1 (official end of Flu season). This is a state mandated requirement to attend school.

Absences - If your child is sick and needs to stay home, email both Mrs. Riley at  and Mrs. Runge at or call the main office at 201-569-8381, Option 2. A message can be left on the answering machine 24/7. Contact the main office or the nurse's office in advance if you need to keep your child out of school for any reason, such as a doctor's appointment or family emergency. We are concerned about the safety of all our children.

When reporting an absence, please include the following information:

  • Your child's first and last name

  • Your child's grade

  • The date(s) your child will be absent

  • The reason for your child's absence (Please give a thorough explanation. If your child is sick, please let us know what symptoms they are experiencing so that we can monitor possible flu cases or other contagious illnesses.)

A child needs to be kept home to recuperate for twenty-four hours after being diagnosed with a communicable disease such as stomach virus/vomiting, strep throat, conjunctivitis, or having a fever of 100 degrees and above. Students with new skin rashes may return to school with a medical note of being non contagious. If a student has been absent for 3 consecutive days a doctor's note is required for that student to return to school.

Medication - Should it become necessary for your child to take medication in school, the nurse must be notified. Have your family physician provide a written request which states: diagnosis, drug, dosage and time.

  • You also must submit your written permission to give this medication.

  • The medication must be in its original container with your child's name.

  • All the above must be given to the school nurse.

Care for ill or injured students - The nurse renders first aid and emergency care only to those students who have an accident or become ill in school. The nurse will contact parents in case of serious illness or injury. The parent will arrange for transportation if needed. Should the parent not be home, the designated person on the emergency form will be called. If medical attention is necessary and the parent cannot be contacted, the school will call EMS.

Accidents in School - All accidents in school must be reported immediately to the nurse’s office and/or the principal’s office. Accidents, as a result of participating in sports, whether practice or a regular game, must be reported to the school nurse at the next school session.

Injuries/Orthopedic Devices - Parents need to notify the school nurse and provide a physician's note if a child is on crutches, has a cast, is in a wheelchair, or is in a brace of any kind. The note should indicate that the student is not to participate in PE/sports and has been trained in the use of crutches and the length of time before he/she can return to regular activity. PLEASE NOTE: WE DO NOT ACCEPT NOTES FROM PHYSICAL THERAPISTS, CHIROPRACTORS, OR ACUPUNCTURISTS.

The following are annual health screening programs provided for elementary school children.

HEIGHTS, WEIGHTS, VISION AND AUDIO METRIC SCREENINGS are administered by the school nurse during the school year. When a child fails either screening, they are rescreened within a two to three-week period. Parents are notified when a child fails the rescreening process. They will receive a referral letter to be completed by their Physician.

SCOLIOSIS SCREENING PROGRAM Is directed to children in the 5th grade. The school nurse usually administers this program during the spring months. A letter informing parents of the screening is sent home several weeks prior to the screening.