We are excited for our ribbon cutting and school rededication this Thursday at 6:30 pm. All are welcome to celebrate our comeback! https://www.canva.com/design/DAFvjtFwb5Q/m0SJUCtFuYZs_lRSh1n7mQ/view?utm_content=DAFvjtFwb5Q&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
Please be advised that the flood walls will be going up at 11:30 this evening due to the incoming storm and the entire high school building except the gym will be closed to students and staff for the long weekend.
It's great to see the lively turnout tonight for Middle School Back-To-School Night! 🐾
The Middle School Student Organization hosts grade level candidate speeches today 🐾
Reminder: Senior parent information meeting tonight at 6pm presented by the Guidance Department in the auditorium
The Guidance Department meets with the senior class to review the current stage of the college application process
CHS Pep Rally, Fall 2023. We are Cresskill! https://vimeo.com/864965741
Thank you to our Video Productions teacher Mr. McCaffrey for his talented & speedy work, Go Cougars!! 🐾 https://vimeo.com/864965741
We are happy to share information about the upcoming 5k run with some of the proceeds going towards our HSA and PTA groups. We hope to see you on the 24th supporting our town and schools! Here is the link to information for the event: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z7veBTEoW3w1NoZ92uag2i_g_adxsndpUAazxnJvH_k/edit?usp=drivesdk
May the new year bring good health, peace, and prosperity to everyone, Shana Tova!
Thank you to everyone for making today's pep rally so successful, GO COUGARS!! 🐾
Good energy to start the day in anticipation of this afternoon's HS Pep Rally 🐾
Please be advised that due to inclement weather and possible flooding, tonight's board of education meeting has been moved to Edward H. Bryan School gym.
Cresskill MS/HS honors the memory of those lost in the September 11th attacks, especially alumni John Coughlin '76 & John Cortazzo '79🙏🐾 #NeverForget
Mr. Massaro, Mr. Apice, & Mr. Quinn conducting student meetings this week 🐾 #ExcellenceForAll
We are having a fun & productive first day of school, such energy back in the building today! 😀🐾
We are excited to welcome our faculty back and host our Middle School orientation, looking forward to the first day on school on Tuesday, Go Cougars! 🐾
Cresskill Middle/High School is seeking kitchen staff and a cook for the 2023-2024 school year. Pay is starting at $16 per hour and interested candidates should reach out to Don Ryan at dryan@cresskillnj.net.
Dr. Hughes is hosting a virtual coffee with the superintendent at 7 PM for those that wish to learn about our District Goals for 2023-2024. All are welcome to join using this link: http://meet.google.com/uqe-ghwo-tua
We are currently seeking kind and caring individuals to serve as classroom aides, supporting some our students as they learn and excel. If you or someone you know is interested in a position, we have immediate availability for meeting them. Please email Dr. Amat at jamato@cresskillnj.net.