Health Services

Donna Wilson- MSN, CSN, BSN, RN
School Nurse Cresskill Middle/High School
201-227-7791 Ext. 1010

Learning is in direct proportion to a child's health status and the ability to adapt to pre-existing limitations. The goal of our health services is to promote optimal health of the individual student, provide a safe environment, maintain positive attitudes, and teach sound health practices. In short, we want our children to be happy and healthy.

Entrance Requirements
Welcome to Cresskill School District. New students must submit , to the nurses office, a current immunization record. If you are coming from another country or another state, a complete physical must be completed within 365 days prior to entrance.

If your child is sick and needs to stay home, call the main office 201-227-7791. A message can be left on the answering machine 24/7. Contact the main office or the nurse's office in advance if you need to keep your child out of school for any reason, such as a doctor's appointment or family emergency. We are concerned about the safety of all our children. A child needs to be kept home to recuperate for twenty-four hours after being diagnosed with a communicable disease such as stomach virus, strep throat or having a fever of 100 degrees and above. If a student has been absent for 3 consecutive days a doctor's note is required for that student to return to school.

Should it become necessary for your child to take medication in school, the nurse must be notified.

  • Have your family physician make out a written request which states: diagnosis, drug, dosage and time.

  • You also must submit your written permission to give this medication. The form for this is available on this website.

  • The medication must be in its original container with your child's name.

  • All of the above must be given to the school nurse.

Care for ill or injured students
The nurse renders first aid and emergency care only to those students who have an accident or become ill in school. The nurse will contact parents in case of serious illness or injury. The parent will arrange for transportation if needed. Should the parent not be home, the designated person on the emergency form will be called. If medical attention is necessary and the parent can not be contacted, the school will call the child ' s family physician.

Accidents in School
All accidents in school must be reported immediately to the nurse’s office and/or the principal’s office. Accidents, as a result of participating in sports, whether practice or a regular game, must be reported to the school nurse at the next school session. Any delay in this matter may eliminate the insurance coverage and place the student at risk.

Crutches and Casts
Should your child require either crutches or casts the following procedures must be followed:

Your child must report directly to the nurse with a doctor's note stating diagnosis, length of time, excuse from gym and anticipated time of return to normal activity.

If you would like your child to be exempt, please notify the health office in writing. Height, weight, and blood pressure check will be conducted every year. Vision screening will be done in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12. Auditory screening will be done in grades 7 and 11. Scoliosis screening will be done in grades 7, 9, and 11.