Happy Lunar New Year! We celebrate tomorrow’s celebration of the vibrant traditions and cultural heritage of Lunar New Year. May this occasion bring joy, prosperity, and blessings to all as we welcome the Year of the Dragon!
about 1 year ago, Cresskill Middle/High School
Lunar New Year is this Saturday, February 10th. As part of honoring the day, I asked our town DEIB committee to share some resources with our teachers, and they did such a great job that I want to also extend their compiled resources to the larger community for families to use. We are grateful for the DEIB Committee's mission of ensuring that all residents of Cresskill feel belonging and celebrated! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fjXpUERpHZAX5Tk6h1PakeviHWo6__QmYMu7hmNEjbU/edit?usp=drive_web
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
Black History Month is in full swing in Cresskill, and we are so grateful to our educators and students that have been planning the month of activities and lessons. This gem of a bulletin board says it all!
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
black history month
In recognition of National School Counseling Week, we recognize our Cresskill School Counselors for everything that they do for our students on a daily basis. Please join us in extending our collective admiration and gratitude!
about 1 year ago, Cresskill Middle/High School
Thank you to our Social Studies Department & students for their work to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day
about 1 year ago, Cresskill Middle/High School
Thank you to Mr. Surgent & the CHS Debate Team for hosting today's Bergen County Debate League meet
about 1 year ago, Cresskill Middle/High School
As we begin February’s national recognition of Black History Month, we celebrate the contributions of Black individuals throughout history and reflect on their resilience, achievements, and lasting impact on our world. Cresskill Middle School/High School proudly honors the rich tapestry of Black culture and excellence in American society. May we continue to come together as a community to learn, appreciate, and celebrate the diverse perspectives that make us stronger and more united.
about 1 year ago, Cresskill Middle/High School
Black History Month
8th grade parent presentation for Transition to High School on Monday, February 12th at 7:00 PM in the auditorium.
about 1 year ago, Cresskill Middle/High School
The Student Organization leads middle schoolers in writing Valentine's Day notes for Veterans
about 1 year ago, Cresskill Middle/High School
Please note that the 2024-2025 School Calendar has been released. However, the Thanksgiving Break was placed in the wrong week. We will be making the correction and post an updated calendar.
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
Exciting news! Our bill in the NJ Senate, S1892, was passed by the State Senate and signed into law by Governor Murphy. School districts going forward that are impacted by natural disasters will no longer have to wait to borrow funds to rebuild. They can instead get approval by the Commissioner of Education to begin rebuilding sooner. We will be sending thank you letters to the politicians that helped pass this important legislation. You can read our thank you letter here: https://shorturl.at/gtXY1
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
Mr. Apice & Mr. Quinn begin mid-year student meetings today, reviewing various procedures, expectations, and other updates 🐾
about 1 year ago, Cresskill Middle/High School
I am seeking multi-lingual parents to help make a presentation on February 13th as part of my next Coffee with the Superintendent. If you have time that evening and would like to help present in a language other than English, please sign up here: https://forms.gle/FrxVLRnfZz8mAeSVA
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
This is a reminder that we have a board of education meeting tomorrow, January 22nd at 7 pm. Additionally, the board will be touring the high school facility at 6 pm. The public is welcome to join us at both events.
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
Cresskill will have a NORMAL school day today. The anticipated snow seems to be consistent this afternoon, indicating that an early dismissal would not ensure greater safety. However, please take your time this afternoon and watch for students as you approach the schools due to the potential for reduced visibility. Let's have a safe day!
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
We are currently on a full day schedule for tomorrow, Friday, January 19th. We will be evaluating weather in the morning and send any notification after 6 am. Please be reminded that our voice messaging may be delayed and we recommend downloading and installing the phone app and setting your notifications to be on.
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
Thank you to our buildings & grounds and custodial crews for another day of quality cleanup! ❄️ 🐾
about 1 year ago, Cresskill Middle/High School
Cresskill Middle School/High School will operate on a delayed opening bell schedule tomorrow 1/17/24, 10:00am period 1 start for HS, 10:34am period 2 start for MS
about 1 year ago, Cresskill Middle/High School
Due to the anticipated icy conditions, Cresskill School District will be on a delayed opening schedule.
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
Just a quick reminder that the Virtual Coffee with the Superintendent begins at 7:00. Grab a cocoa, tea, or coffee and come learn about our programs from the comfort of your home. Link: http://meet.google.com/gxi-rcbi-rsz
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes