Partnering with Cresskill Schools
Cresskill School District is located in a prime location near both New York City and the businesses of Northern Bergen County, providing opportunities to work with local businesses that want to support the development of future professionals.
Internship Opportunities for High School Students: Our students have interests in a variety of professions and industries. If we can help to alert our students to opportunities and facility real-world experiences, we look forward to doing so. Please let us know of available internships using this form.
Corporate Mentoring & Speakers: Role models in various professions can serve a great role in helping to shape the future of our students. Please register speakers or role models using this form.
Corporate Donations: We welcome donations towards programs that benefit our students. If you are interested in making a donation towards the school or a school program, please reach out to us to set up a time to discuss. You can either call us at the board office (201-227-7791) or email