School Hours
Daily Schedule
The school day begins for students at 8:30 AM for grades 1-5 and they are dismissed at 3:10 PM each day.
Kindergarten begins at 8:45 AM and is dismissed at 2:55 PM.
Pre-school morning session begins at 8:45 AM and is dismissed at 11:15 AM.
Pre-school afternoon session begins at 12:25 PM and is dismissed at 2:55 PM.
Step by Step begins at 8:45 AM and is dismissed at 2:45 PM.
Minimum Day Schedule
The minimum day schedule begins at 8:30 AM for grades 1-5 and students are dismissed at 12:40 PM.
Kindergarten begins at 8:45 AM and is dismissed at 12:25 PM.
Pre-school morning session begins at 8:45 AM and is dismissed at 10:15 AM.
Pre-school afternoon session begins at 10:30 AM and is dismissed at 12:00 PM.
Step by Step begins at 8:45 AM and is dismissed at 12:20 PM.
On minimum days, students do not have a lunch or recess period, but students in all grades are able to bring a snack to eat during the morning.
Delayed Opening Schedule
The delayed opening schedule begins at 10:30 AM for grades 1-5 and students are dismissed at 3:10 PM.
Kindergarten begins at 10:45 AM and is dismissed at 2:55 PM.
Pre-school morning session begins at 10:45 AM and is dismissed at 12:15 PM.
Pre-school afternoon session begins at 1:15 PM and is dismissed at 2:45 PM.
Step by Step begins at 10:45 AM and is dismissed at 2:45 PM.
On delayed opening days, students have an abbreviated lunch period, but no recess.
Line Up Supervision
Each day, before school supervision begins at 8:15 AM for grades 1-5 and 8:30 AM for kindergarten. Please do not drop students off prior to this time as there is no supervision outside the building.